Our lives tend to improve when we put the action in and often that starts with just one small step. People often come to me for help with their strength and fitness when they see my social media or hear about me through word of mouth. Throughout my career I’ve come across many people who have reached out and asked questions on social media and I try to explain as best they can what they can expect and what they’re going to get from my coaching. Often, they don’t follow this up with action.

One of the reasons I love this job is to see clients grow and this is the same for them – they benefit physically and mentally and transform their lives outside of the gym too. I often think about those who reach out and never follow through, about how different their lives could be with exercise.

Life is hard. We all face hardship, some more than others. Exercise, especially community based fitness massively helps with living in this society. Being around like minded others even for an hour per day can help us reap the benefits for the rest of the day. Community helps us feel less alone, keeps us around a contagious positive energy and this is part of helping people feel happier.

One member of our fitness community, John, isn’t a PT client but he comes to our running club which is now run by members of our SLPT community. John saw me one day on the street. He was walking the dog with his wife and saw my PT top. He’d seen me a few times and we started talking. He wanted to get fit and he started coming to our running club. He came consistently and became more and more disciplined with it. He’s become faster and fitter and has become a part of the community, coming on our mountain walks and has now started to develop friendships. Now, he’s got the running bug and helps to run our running club. All of this started when he saw me walking around in my PT top and him asking about my work.

Lorna, now a good friend is heavily involved in the community and everything we do. Lorna had reached out to me on social media after seeing our free running club just before lockdown. She came with her daughter and at first seemed a bit shy. Over lockdown she got involved in the Zoom classes online then we moved to outdoor fitness and she started to meet people face to face. Lorna blossomed and it was really good to see her getting involved in the community. Over the last 3 years she’s done dozens of events, has won our client of the year award, clients’ client of the year award, and she goes out with some of the other women on nights out. This all started with a message and her following it through with action.

I love my job and hope I’ll be doing it forever. People like Lorna and John are an example of what I’m trying to achieve in my business – to change their lives. They key is that people need to take those first steps to make positive changes in their lives. It’s not about who can lift the most, who has lost the most weight. It’s about creating positive energy and making transformational changes in people’s lives through exercise.



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