In an era where more and more coaches are moving online, face to face group PT sessions have transformed my business for the better. There is an argument for embracing technology and moving to online coaching. It’s flexible, there’s earning potential and the possibility to reach a wider audience but it’s not for me. I much prefer face to face interaction and feedback and it’s something that’s really important for me to maintain so I wanted to write about how I’ve achieved longevity in face to face personal training through implementing group personal training.


When I first started in the fitness industry, I did what many new PTs do. I was walking the gym floor, working 12-15 hours per day and although I was building an amazing client base, I was seeing one client per hour, back to back. The business model was unsustainable and I eventually burned out. I wasn’t drinking or sleeping enough and my nutrition consisted of grabbing protein bars off the gym counter. I was looking after my clients, but I wasn’t looking after myself. Inevitably I became sick and was diagnosed with shingles. The doctor said I was stressed and I denied it – I didn’t feel stressed – but he replied ‘your body is’.

I learned from this experience that something had to change and not long after, another PT suggested group personal training. He sold me on the benefits of increased sustainability, building a community as well as maintaining the business. Group PTs benefit everyone financially too. I have an increased earning potential and clients pay less too.


Transitioning to group personal training should be done carefully. It’s important for me to build a relationship with a client before they start training in a group, not only to build trust but also so that I can gain an understanding of their strengths and limitations, and to make sure they can move safely. In one to one training, clients have my undivided attention but in group training, each of the clients require supervision within that hour. It’s important then to make sure it’s appropriate for an individual to train in a group environment. Most of my group PT clients have spent time 1-1 with me so I can assess their movements and identify things we need to work on, whether that be rehab, mobility or unilateral movements.


Group personal training has not only made my business more sustainable but it’s given me a lot of time back. There’s no way I would be able to sustain my client base doing one to one sessions. There aren’t enough hours in the week. But it’s not a case of people showing up and doing the same workouts. Each of my clients has different goals and it’s important for me to tailor sessions to enable every individual to work towards their goals so each month I spend time writing individual programmes. What’s works really well in my business is that I specialise in calisthenics and so those who have been training with me for a while are often working towards similar goals.


Another thing I learned in the transition from predominantly one to one, to group PTs was that community is key. I had built a long term client base and often arrange community events like mountain walks and running club with my clients. Many have become friends with one another and this makes group PTs much more enjoyable for clients because they enjoy training with friends. They work together and support each other to achieve and celebrate their goals both in and outside of the gym.

Group PT isn’t something that’s talked about that much anymore in an era where many PTs are moving to online coaching but it has made my business enjoyable and sustainable. I love human interaction and training people face to face and never want to let that go. Moving to group PTs has enabled me to maintain my client base while keeping a manageable workload but it has also helped me to build the amazing community I have now.  


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