
Showing posts from April, 2023


  GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING In an era where more and more coaches are moving online, face to face group PT sessions have transformed my business for the better. There is an argument for embracing technology and moving to online coaching. It’s flexible, there’s earning potential and the possibility to reach a wider audience but it’s not for me. I much prefer face to face interaction and feedback and it’s something that’s really important for me to maintain so I wanted to write about how I’ve achieved longevity in face to face personal training through implementing group personal training. HITTING BURNOUT When I first started in the fitness industry, I did what many new PTs do. I was walking the gym floor, working 12-15 hours per day and although I was building an amazing client base, I was seeing one client per hour, back to back. The business model was unsustainable and I eventually burned out. I wasn’t drinking or sleeping enough and my nutrition consisted of grabbing protein bars off