Helping clients reach their potential both in and outside of the gym

My ethos when working with personal training clients is to help them reach their full potential, both in and out of the gym. To achieve this, two of the core values required are commitment and consistency. Long term consistency and commitment in the gym will always lead to clients reaching their fitness goals whether that be short-, mid- or long-term goals and once they achieve those goals, we create new ones. For some clients this might mean committing to two hourly sessions per week, some like shorter home workouts that they can perform when their children are watching Peppa Pig for 15 minutes and others train much more frequently. The key is incorporating this into their weekly schedule and being consistent.

What I have noticed among my long-term clients is that not only do they grow from strength to strength inside the gym, but they also do the same in other areas of their lives. The consistency and commitment they show in the gym translates into their careers and personal lives. I see my clients buying their first homes, progressing in their careers, and becoming happier and more resilient people.

Part of what helps clients maintain discipline and commitment is the sense of community among my client base. Many of my clients have become great friends of both mine and each other’s. They are all sharing the same journey, all seeking to reach their potential in one way or another. I see these friendships forming and I see my clients support each other. They are the loudest cheerleaders when they see one another meet their goals in the gym, whether that is maintaining good form in a bodyweight squat or joining the infamous SLPT ’10 club’ and performing 10 chin ups. 

But they are also the greatest supporters in their lives outside the gym. They encourage each other to apply for the promotion at work and help each other during house moves. They also comfort each other in difficult times. What is admirable about clients is when they are going through a difficult time in their lives outside the gym, whether that be in their work, relationships, sickness, and death of loved ones, they still show up to the gym knowing they are amongst friends. They comfort one another and help them come through difficult times stronger. Building this fitness community is one of my greatest achievements for this reason and it forms a huge part of helping clients reach their potential in their lives.

Some of the most successful people in the world live and breathe exercise, incorporating it into their lives. High profile businesspeople, politicians and celebrities are often associated with regimented exercise routines which helps provide them with clearer thinking, self-confidence, and resilience. President Obama was known for working out six days per week and Richard Branson shares my belief that physical activity has a positive impact on every area of our lives.

Exercise is known to have a range of benefits for both physical and mental health. Physical activity enhances wellbeing by releasing endorphins which creates that feeling of euphoria after a workout – that feeling when you leave the gym and feel like you can do anything, face any challenge life throws your way.

I experience this in my own life. I have a family with two toddlers, a large client base, a business and other responsibilities. Amongst all of this I have to prioritise my own exercise. I must prioritise it and be consistent. Committing to at least two or three sessions per week gives me a mental boost and this enables me to fulfil all my other commitments in my life, being the best, I can be for my girlfriend, daughters, and clients.


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