"Never stop learning because life never stops teaching"

2012 was the year I became a qualified personal trainer and the more I think about that the more I realise that it actually doesn't mean anything.

Yes, I know I had the qualification and the certificate to prove it. I thought that I was ready to go out there and help people with what I was passionate about. But setting up and running it as a business, making it profitable, building a client base and making it become a long term part of my life in an industry where I knew and was regularly reminded that a lot of self employed personal trainers never make it past the first year...I knew nothing!

Long story short, I've come across so many amazing people through my journey who have given me the skills, knowledge, confidence, abilities and mindset that I needed to keep me going in this industry and the years to come. Most of these people I've had to go out seek help from,  but a lot I've just happened to cross paths with hence the saying,

"Good things happen in life when you surround yourself with positive people"

Present day...

After all of those years of learning, I'm now more business minded, I've created job stability, a small but strong fitness community, I've learnt terms like delegation which I had never heard of but now use and practice within my job! I think I can now safely say my PT business is doing well.

Before I finish up, one of the biggest things that really has improved my understanding of working in the fitness industry in order to get the best out of my clients is learning and studying personality types and working out how best each individual client responds to different styles of training which can be a massive game changer for anyone especially if your day to day activities involve dealing with people, a people's person!

So through researching and feedback from my clients, by asking them what they like and what they don’t like, I've tailored bespoke training plans for each of my clients. Also picking up verbal cues, which is essential in this job which has helped me see the best and the worst in people, especially when I can see if clients have had a tough week at work and know when it's appropriate to push them if they've got it in them or to hold back.

Whatever your passion is in life,  determination to make it happen and work and constant learning is the KEY to prosper.





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