
Showing posts from October, 2023

If you want to change your life, change your choices

My client Sandra sharing this fantastic testimonial on escaping a job she was unhappy in and pursuing something that now brings meaning to her life SANDRA My background is in Environmental Health where I qualified from Salford University in 1985. I worked in Greater Manchester in several Local Authorities as an Environmental Health Officer working up the ladder until my last job promotion in 2010.   From 2010 I was head of The Food Safety where I was responsible for an  Enforcement Team who would inspect food businesses and would award them with a Food Safety Rating (you’ve probably seen them they are green Food Standards Agency stickers with ratings from zero (being the worst) to 5 (being the very best)). A poor rating could finish a food business, so tensions were high if standards were poor or needed improvement.  Any businesses which had infestations of rats/mice/cockroaches or were unhygienic and presenting a risk to health would be closed and prosecuted.  I was working long hours