
Showing posts from May, 2023

LAKES 3000s

  This weekend we took on the Lakes 3000s mountain challenge which entails climbing 4 of the biggest mountains in England: Scafell Pike, Scafell, Helvellyn and Skiddaw, each over 3000 feet. In total, the height of these mountains is the equivalent of the height of Mount Fuji . We often do mountain challenges like the national, Welsh and Yorkshire Three Peaks challenges but this year a client mentioned her friend was doing the Lakes 3000s so I started looking into it and found Jack from Adventuring and we got the ball rolling. In preparation we did various walks to train for the challenge so people could get some training but also so they could get to know each other. We ended up with 22 people undertaking the challenge. One of the great things in life is learning from experiences and one of the things I learned from this challenge is to never underestimate anything in life. I thought it would be like the other challenges we’ve done before. How wrong was I? The day got off to a great st